It's been an entire month since I've had a chance to blog and what a month it's been! Instead of trying to think back on all that has happened, I will just give you an update on what's going on right now.
We have had some phone/internet problems and hopefully that is all fixed so I can get back to regularly blogging. I've sure missed it!
Anyway, back a few months ago I wrote about my sister Jamee and my nephew Chandler. I was concerned about the both of them. I love my sister but she has a lot of problems and I was worried about Chandler's safety and care. With out going into a lot of detail, I will say that my prayers have been answered and Chandler is now in my care and custody. It took CPS and the cops getting involved but now he's in a safer place. He has been back with us for almost a week now and it looks like he will be with us for a while. That poor boy has been through and seen so much. (If you know us personally, please just email me if you have any questions.)
I need to get off now but please keep us in your prayers!