Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gheez, I don't even know where to begin..........

I'm new to this whole blogger thing. Not blogging just blogger. I have switched all my 2007 blogs (all 11 of them, whoo hoo!) over from homeschoolblogger. So please just bare with me while I get my page the way I like it (although that may never happen).

I guess I should give an update on things since I, again, have neglected to blog about anything in almost 2 months. It's not that I don't like blogging, cause I do. I've just felt yucky-blucky lately. Not sick, just gloomy and stressed out half the time. I'll be fine. I have my days just like everyone else.

I'm going to update the entire month of March using pictures. I mean, who doesn't love pictures, right?

Blake-10yr. tested and got his red belt in Taekwondo. He is now only one more belt away from becoming a BLACK belt! Brooks-8yr. also tested and got his Sr. green belt. He has gotten a little burnt out on karate so he's now taking a break.

This is Sadie, the latest addition to our family. She is a 4 month old bassett hound. My husband called me on day while he was at work and told me to come a get her. She had been hanging out at his work for over a month, but kept running out into the road (Main Street, one of the busiest streets in Tupelo) and he was afraid she was going to get hit. As you can see, she fits right in!

John Mark and I also celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary this month! I swear, I'm more in love with this man today than I was the day I married him!

Then and Now:

We look so young! I don't know what is up with this picture on the right. My hair is not really red, and JM is not really bald!

And my sweet Ty-Ty celebrated his 5th birthday ,too!

I cannot believe he's already 5. I don't know where the time has gone. He's already reading, learning to tie his shoes, and has a loose tooth. Before I know it, he's going to be graduating from college! I'm not ready for this!

Well, there you have it. There are a few things I left out but I will blog about it later. I need to get the kids moving and started on some schoolwork!

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