It's been an entire month since I've had a chance to blog and what a month it's been! Instead of trying to think back on all that has happened, I will just give you an update on what's going on right now.
We have had some phone/internet problems and hopefully that is all fixed so I can get back to regularly blogging. I've sure missed it!
Anyway, back a few months ago I wrote about my sister Jamee and my nephew Chandler. I was concerned about the both of them. I love my sister but she has a lot of problems and I was worried about Chandler's safety and care. With out going into a lot of detail, I will say that my prayers have been answered and Chandler is now in my care and custody. It took CPS and the cops getting involved but now he's in a safer place. He has been back with us for almost a week now and it looks like he will be with us for a while. That poor boy has been through and seen so much. (If you know us personally, please just email me if you have any questions.)
I need to get off now but please keep us in your prayers!
Praying for you, Chandler and your family!
Although it's not necessarily ideal for any child to be away from mommy, it is a tremendous blessing to have a safe and loving environment in which to grow! Praising God that he has a loving aunt that can take care of and cherish him!
I'm glad Chandler has you to take care of him and look out for him.
I will be praying for you and your family. I can only imagine how hard this is for you!
Oh BTW~this is Julie from Juliesjubilee on Homeschooler! :)
How are things going in your home now? Is Chandler still with you?
I'm glad I found you again...I used to be MomtoTwo in VA on homeschoolblogger (actually I'm still Mom to Two in VA, but I'm at blogspot now. ;o)
Come by and visit my new blog sometime!
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