I've got a ton of thoughts running thru my head so none of this will probably make any sense to you (you being the one or two people who just happen to find my blog and actually stay and read it) but here I go anyway.~Blake-10yr. woke up this morning covered with another rash. He said he woke up last night b/c he was itching and rashy and he came and got me and I gave him some benadryl and told him to sleep on the couch and wake me if it got worse (what a run on sentence!!!). I don't remember any of that b/c I had taken a Lunesta before I went to bed. One of the side effects is memory loss. Anyway, we headed to our family doctor about 40 minutes away from us, in another town. Let me just say that I just can't seem to find any doctors, dentists, or veterinarians I like around here so I'm willing to drive to where they are. She puts him on a stronger steroid and tells me that we might need to do some allergy testing but his system needs to calm down before that can be done. I'm supposed to call her Monday and we'll go from there. In the mean time, I have to deal with a very hyper, hungary and itchy boy.
~After we got home from the doctor, hubs was home 'cause nothing was going on at work and he was bored. I was still feeling the effects of the Lunesta and was extremely tired so as soon as I walked in the door, I went straight back to the bedroom, curled up on the bed and drifted off to sleep. I slept for the next three hours. Micah some how ended up in there asleep with me. While I was sleeping, my house somehow self-cleaned. Actually, JM was still home so he got the kids to clean for me. They even put the dishes in the dishwasher and then even started it! Now I'm thinking I might to that more often. It sure makes for a very happy mom!
~Last night we went to a meeting at our former church. The same church we got kicked out of. Actually we left and then 6 months later they kicked us out from lack of attendance. Oh, and my father in law is the pastor there. But we are all on good terms with everyone (they are all mostly family). The church has been doing missionary work in India and one of the men came over from India to speak about all the work that has been going on. It wasn't anything formal, just dinner and then he spoke and showed us a DVD he had put together. So, I just wore what I had on that day. Jeans and a t-shirt. My hair was in a pony-tail but that is my normal hair "do". I even put on make-up so I didn't think I looked too bad. Obviously I did b/c while we were in the buffet line fixing our plates, my mother-in-law says to me (rather loudly, I think), "Have you been running Amber?". Uh. No. Do I really look/smell that bad? I didn't know what to say so I just mumbled, "No, I always look like this." and walked away. I guess the way I was dressed was a little offensive to some people and my mil felt a need to bring that to my attention. I should mention that one of the reasons we left the church was b/c they believe that the women should alway were dresses, especially to church and my husband and I don't feel that way. Last night I was the only girl (besides my daughter who was also wearing jeans) who had on pants. Everyone else had on a skirt. I guess I'm just a rebel. Actually, I'm not. I'm just me and I don't plan on changing that.
~I'm so glad that Sanjayia got voted off A.I. I'm so sick of that kid. He's got great hair but he can't sing!
~I can't sleep now since I took such a long nap this afternoon. I could be folding laundry but it's more fun to read blogs. If I had a laptop I would sit on couch with my lap top and read blogs while folding laundry. But I don't. There goes that idea.
~My parents are moving away and that is starting to bother me. I have never lived more than 3 hours away from my parents. They are moving almost 8 hours away. It's going to suck. I can already tell.
~Sadie, our new bassett hound puppy is so cute but she STINKS so bad! I bathe her at least twice a week but it seems like my efforts are in vain. It's so hard to love on a stinky puppy. No one wants to sleep with her anymore b/c of the smell so she is forced to sleep alone.
~I desperately need to get caught up on my laundry so I can get out everyone's summer clothes. The kids do have some summery stuff but now their drawers are overflowing with sweaters, t-shirts, shorts, and jeans. Too much of a mix. I need to weed out the stuff they won't need until next winter.
~I'm going to go fold some laundry now. Hopefully that will make me sleepy. If not, I'm going to take some benadryl. :)