Saturday, April 14, 2007

100 questions (Part 1)

100.First off, what is your name? Amber
99. Do you talk in your sleep? nope
98.What's your favorite color? pink
97.Ever met anyone famous? I've met our local weather man before.
96.Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? so far, so good.
95.Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I twirl it.
94.Basketball or Football? hands down, football. I hate basketball.
93.How long do your showers last? About 10 minutes, but there is usually a kid in there talking to me the whole time, asking me if I'm done yet.
92.Do you know how to drive a stick? yes. I learned to drive on a stick.
91.Are you self-conscious? about certain things I am.
90.Have you ever given money to a bum? yes
89.Can you jog 5k without stopping? not to brag, but I do this almost daily. But there was a time (a few years ago) that I couldn't even run 1 mile without stopping.
88.Where do you wish you were? on a cruise ship with my husband.
87.Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? nope
86.Last gift you got? gift card from Sears for my b-day that I gave to my husband. He needed some tools.
85.Last sport you played? is running a sport? If not, then it would have to be tennis a few months ago.
84.Things you spend a lot of money on? gas and groceries
83.Favorite place to eat? Lenny's Deli
82.What's your least
favorite chore? laundry!
81.Favorite Drink? water
80.Do you eat fish? I don't eat meat, but I do eat fish every once in a while.
79.Have you ever come close to dying? not that I'm aware of.
78.Do you wear makeup? I do, but not daily.
77.Would you ever have plastic surgery? maybe. if it were free and painless.
76.If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Australia
75.If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? salad. or funions.
74.Do you prefer city, beach, country? country
73.When was the last time you cried? today, I'm such a crybaby.
72.What would you do w/ a million bucks? buy a huge house. save for my kids college. donate some to St. Jude's hospital. go on a 2 month tour around the world with my family. and then save the rest.
71. Do you have a job, if so what do you do? I'm a mom and darn proud of it!
70.What is your dream car? one that self-cleans.
69. Favorite movie? I have WAY to many to name.
68. Favorite item of clothing? comfy sleeping pants.
67.Do you have any siblings? yes, sister that's 2 years younger, who I'm not very close to and a brother that's 7 years younger, who I'm extremely close to.
66.Would you rather text or talk on the phone? neither. I hate both.
65.Would you go back in time to change anything you've done?nope, I've never been perfect. But everything I've done has been for a reason and i either reaped the rewards or faced the consequences.
64. Do you sing in the shower? no
63.Are you wearing socks? yes
62. How does your hair look right now? a mess. in a lop-sided pony-tail.
61.What are your fears? not raising my children right.
60.What do you hear right now? Micah arguing with Shelby over a chocolate cookie. and the Incredibles playing on a t.v. that no one is watching.
59. Do you sing? yes, but only when I'm in the car.
58. Can you do a cartwheel? yes and I can do a front flip and sometimes I even land on my feet!
57.If you could have anything in the world what would it be? I'm pretty happy with what God has given me. But I would like my car and house to be paid for. That would be good enough for me.
56.Do you like 80's movies? I love 80's movies!! (Sixteen Candles, Breakfast Club, Dirty Dancing, Grease, and Drop-Dead Fred are a few of my favs.)
55.What kinda movies do you like? Comedy, and Musicals
54. Hair color? right now it's brownish, but it changes with the seasons.
53.Favorite cereal? Raisin Bran Crunch, and Peanut Butter Crunch.
52.Favorite time of day? Late at night when all the kids are asleep and the house if finally quiet. I can finally hear myself think!
51. Where were you born? Sioux Falls, S.D.
50. Do you like spicy food? yes! I LOVE spicy food!

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