Saturday, May 26, 2007

Conversations with my kids

Micah-3yr. and I were walking into Wal-Mart and I had a tight hold on his hand and he says to me "Mommy! You're choking my hand!"

Tyler-5yr.: Mommy, what was your name before you were a mommy?
Me: My name was Amber. And that's what other people still call me.
Tyler-5yr.: Oh. Can I call you Amber, too?

Brooks-8yr. comes running into the house and announces, "I have the power of healing! Micah just threw a brick at me and it didn't even hurt!"

Micah singing Bon Jovi's song "Shot thru the heart":

Chocolate a heart!!! (Shot thru the heart)

And you're toooo late!!!!!! (And you're to blame)

Narlin' you give love (Darlin' you give love)

A bad day. (A bad name)

He sings this so much that I catch myself singing it right along with him, his words and all!

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