Friday, May 18, 2007

I'm back, again...

Our computer got struck by lightning a week ago so I have been unable to get on the internet. Up until yesterday when we replaced the fried-up modem, I've been wondering around in circles, wringing my hands, wondering what to do with myself since I couldn't get on the net and read blogs. Not Really. Actually, I have been very busy. I did miss getting on the computer but I've had a lot going on these last few weeks to keep my mind off not having a computer. So here is another long update.

~I finally got into the eye doctor and I can finally see again!! I got new contacts and I even ordered some glasses to have just in case I might need them. I swore I wouldn't wear them b/c I'm not a big fan of having something on my face but I have been wearing them a lot more than I thought I would. See, for cheap plastic glasses, they're not so bad.

~I ran another 10K (6.2 miles) last weekend. I did OK considering it was VERY hot and there were some other issues. This topic will get it's own blog entry because I've got a bone to pick with the race directors.

~Sunday we went to JM's parents church (the same one we left) so he could see his dad who had just gotten back from Bulgaria and to see his mom on Mother's Day. Then we drove down to my parents house were the whole family was there, except my dad, who is in Kentucky working. The whole family hasn't been together since Christmas so it was nice. JM took the older boys and my brother to see Spiderman 3 so it was mostly just us girls and my mom. While the boys were gone, Jamee and I made dinner for everyone. We all ate and sat around talking until it was time to get back on the road. That was probably the last time we will all be together like that for a while.

Here's the whole family in front of the house we grew up in. It's official. The house is sold and my parents are moving.
~I'm not a big believer in Mother's Day (I think you should honor and love your mother everyday, not just one Sunday a year) but my kids still got me a very sweet card and a beautiful necklace that Blake-10yr. picked out. Those kids know how to melt my heart!

~My brother left for South Dakota this week. I think he is going to be working at the zoo but he's not sure. He just wanted to get the heck out of Mississippi after he graduated and he loves S.D. so that's where he went. I already miss him.

~We went Memphis for Blake's appointment with the allergist to find out why he is still breaking out in hives all the time. It was a long trip and one I'm sure Blake-10yr. wishes he could forget about. I loved the doctor, he was very laid back but very through, asking us every detail of Blake's daily routine. They did the food and environment testing on him (59 shots in his back!!!) and it showed nothing. He has out grown all of his previous food allergies he had when he was a baby. I felt totally helpless standing there watching them stick my boy over and over, him jerking with every stick. After the 5th stick, he broke into tears and so did I. To make it even worse, they had to stick him 4 more times to see if he was allergic to himself. You read that right. You can be allergic to yourself. Who knew? Anyway, he's not. So they stuck him yet again and took 4 viles of blood to be sent off to see if he has any underlying problems (like mono or lupus) that could be causing the hives. Then we were sent home with 3 different types of meds, another Epipen, and Blake with a very sore back and arms. We go back in 6 weeks. Blake says no way.

~Brooks-8yr. and Micah-3yr. stayed in Columbus with my mom Sunday thru Wednesday night. It was so much quieter in the house without my loud, energetic little Mikey. Chandler-8yr. is also gone to visit his Mamaw in Arkansas for a few weeks. So I only had three kids Wednesday. I didn't know what to do with myself. Blake suggested that we go to Toys-R-Us. So we did. And I actually had fun and didn't have migraine when I walked out of there 2 hours later.

~Without going into too much detail I'm going to tell you what has been keeping me so busy. And stressed out.

My sister.

I love her but she has so many problems. I want to help her but she doesn't want the help. She is Chandler's mom. My nephew who has been living with us since November. She has a daughter that she has already had taken away from her and now she is going to get Chandler taken from her. I don't know what else to do. I even let her move in with us so she could get her life straightened out and get away from that psycho creep she calls her boyfriend. That only lasted 4 days, I kicked her out yesterday. My only concern is the safety and well-being of my nephew. He has already seen, heard, and been thru so much. He misses his mom but she won't act like a mom. So I'm going to fight for him. I just hope I'm doing what's best for him.

~That about sums everything up. I think hubs and I are going to be able to get out of town for a quick getaway this weekend. We are just going to be gone Sat. and part of the day Sunday. He has a job to do up near Memphis so I'm going to help him and then we can enjoy some much needed time together. It will be fun.


Perri said...

Chandler is blessed to have someone step up to the plate for him.

I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)
I haven't been here for awhile...I was thinking about you though and wondering how you were doing.
I also thought if you still wanted that one purse that I would sell it to you for $15.00, I know it is a really low price from the original but I really want to do that for you. Let me know.
<3 Christina (giggles3 from HSB)

Hope you have a great Memorial day weekend and I will try and stop by again soon.