Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I've been having issues with my contacts lately. I need to get into the dr. for a check-up so I can get a new prescription and order a new box of contacts since I have none left. I'm down to wearing only one contact in my right eye. Not good considering I'm extremely near-sighted and I can't see anything unless I squint real hard and hold whatever I'm trying to see right in front of my face. And no, I don't have any glasses to wear. I don't like them and won't wear them so I don't waste my money on buying them but now I wish I had an emergency pair for times like this. I've been one-eyeing everything for over a week now. Again, not good but I can't do anything about it until next week when I go to the eye dr.

To make matters worse, my left (and only) contact started bothering me this morning. My eye was watering and I couldn't stand it any longer so I had to take that one out too. So now I am completely blind as a bat while my contact soaks in some solution for the day. I have had that thing in my eye for over 2 weeks so it was time to take it out. I know, I know. I take such good care of my eyes.

The kids all know how blind I am. I've told them how everything is just a big blurry blob and I have a hard time seeing faces. So Blake-10yr. and Brooks-8yr. thought it was a perfect time to play a trick on me. They had already gotten dressed for the day. Blake-10yr. in a white shirt and Brooks-8yr. in an orange shirt. I was at the computer and I called them to come do something for me. They came in the room (but were still standing far off so I couldn't "see" their faces). I said something to Brooks and Blake, while wearing Brooks's shirt, answered me. Uhhhh........what's going on?? Then I realized that they were trying to trick me into thinking Blake was Brooks and Brooks was Blake. They were just giggling their heads off, thinking they had fooled me. Sorry guys, I may be blind, but not that blind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! Okay, it's not really funny but it IS funny to think that they thought it was funny.

hehehee... Little kid humor won't last forever. Unless you meet my dh...then it might last a little longer than normal! ;)

I hope you're having a friend drive you to the eye doctor. Sounds like you need to stay off the roads!